The European Union wants to give national regulators more power to limit the risk of banks deemed "too big to fail" as part of its plan to protect the public finances of future financial crises.
In particular, the EU is looking for supervisors, as the Bank of Spain, new products may block, restrict the claims or force these banks considered systemic to leave some businesses, according to a draft proposal cited Bloomberg.
In Spain, one such regulation would affect at least Santander and BBVA, the two entities considered "at risk of systemic spread to other entities for its large size if they have problems-for the G20 last November and the EU Banks controller .
EU Banks controller
National banking regulators could require "a change of legal and operational structures" to entities that need "extraordinary financial aid"during a crisis, says the specializing in economic data.
"They are saying clearly between the lines that if you believe that any institution is too risky to be rescued could be segregated, "says a legal expert in financial regulation at Bloomberg and the EU Banks controller .Depending on the environment, it is expected that the European Commission to present this draft, which is dated in December, this week. Later, you hear the view of banks, consumers and investors before submitting a final proposal to discuss with the 27 EU members this year.
European countries have had to spend more than $ 5 billion -3.7 billion euros to help banks since the financial crisis that erupted with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and the EU Banks controller .