miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

General Motors actual creation of new financial arm

General Motors (GM) said today that the October 1 AmeriCredit closes acquisition, which paid about $ 3,500 million, and that the finance company will be renamed General Motors Financial.
GM's announcement comes shortly after AmeriCredit's shareholders approve the transaction and the General Motors crisis.

General Motors crisis

The automaker said the acquisition of AmeriCredit "will create the foundation of the company's plan to create a domestic financial arm to allow GM gives consumers more options for funding the United States and Canada."GM said the purchase represents a minimal impact on the income of the company and does not change its goal of achieving a solid investment grade and the General Motors crisis.
The manufacturer also said Ally Financial, formerly GM's financing arm GMAC under the name "continue to provide essential financial services." In 2006 GM sold most of its stake in GMAC to Cerberus investment fund.
AmeriCredit, a leading independent finance companies buy U.S. cars, has assets valued at about U.S. $ 10,000 million and approximately 800,000 customers.

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